it’s all about you. our fiercest fans. the rainbow wranglers. the climate conscious. the discerning divas. unite online and in fabulous real life for the joy of cleaning, creativity + conversation. it’s your pass to a whole world of exclusive method magic. go get the sparkle.
i want init’s all about you. our fiercest fans. the rainbow wranglers. the climate conscious. the discerning divas. unite online and in fabulous real life for the joy of cleaning, creativity + conversation. it’s your pass to a whole world of exclusive method magic. go get the sparkle.
i want inhow it works
let’s have some good, clean fun
this is your happy place
method addicts unite for the joy of cleaning, creativity + conversation. join the party on instagram and reap the rewards with free goodies + exclusive content.

put on your cosmic pants and let’s dance
clear your diary for the best smelling events in town. this is your pass to member-only parties, unique experiences, masterclasses + creative collaborations.

put new products to the test. no elbow grease required.
be the first to smell that new smell. pump that new pump. spritz that new spray. together we can create future-friendly new products. look out for us dropping into your dms.