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business for good

cruelty free

we test on people and not animals.

no animal testing

because guinea pigs shouldn’t be used as guinea pigs, method performs absolutely no animal testing on any of our products and does not endorse, request or commission any animal testing on our behalf. we’ve even been awarded the Cruelty-Free International Leaping Bunny.

no animal by-products

we don’t put any animal by-products in our products. that’s dirty.

cruelty-free company

in 2006, PETA made our co-founders Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan their “People of the Year” and gave method a Proggy (progressive business) award.

future friendly

our powerful, future-friendly cleaning products handle big messes beautifully. so leave the clean up to us.


our strategic starting point is to prevent unnecessary carbon emissions from sourcing, product manufacture, distribution and company operations, and to provide incentives to help in this reduction process.

alternative energy

we buy renewable energy credits (RECs) for our offices and all of our manufacturing sites. we also use biodiesel to power over one third of our US truck shipments.


for the carbon emissions we can’t avoid, we make direct investments that make our supply chain more efficient. we offer financial incentives to our suppliers so they can invest in more energy-efficient equipment or lighting.

manufacturing + distribution

we believe in doing things efficiently and we count on our partners to do the same.

greensourcing program

we aren’t happy just reinventing cleaning products; we also want to reinvent the ways in which they are made. we invite our key suppliers and manufacturers to work with us toward the ultimate goal of zero-waste manufacturing, under a program we call method greensourcing.

fuel efficiency

our US domestic shipments are done with an EPA SmartWay Transport member freight company for better fuel efficiency.

biodiesel fleet

the majority of our customer shipments in california and the northeast of the US are via biodiesel truck.


when it comes to sourcing + making ingredients, “responsible” is our middle name.

supplier selection

we work with our ingredient + packaging suppliers to ensure that the materials used in method products, from the plastic in our bottles to the ingredients in our formulations, adhere to the highest material quality standards and are manufactured in environmentally responsible ways.

renewable + recyclable

we are working to reduce the use of non-renewable materials like petroleum across our product line from our bottling to our formulations. our progress so far? we make our core cleaning bottles from 100% recycled plastic, our laundry bottles from 50% recycled plastic and the vast majority of our formulations come from renewably sourced ingredients.

method greensourcing

we work with our key suppliers and manufacturers to track the environmental impact of making our products, and to identify best practices to improve the water, energy and material efficiency of our manufacturing processes.


we’re working on reducing the amount of water needed to make our products to only the water that ends up in the bottles. we also design products like our 8x laundry detergent with no added water.


the energy needed to make our products comes from a range of sources, from solar and hydro to coal and gas. on-site renewable energy from wind and solar will help power our new chicago factory. we also offer financial incentives to our manufacturing partners to reduce the energy used to make our products.


our goal is to design products and processes that avoid material waste entirely. so far, we’ve made big strides in recycling shrink wrap, pallets and cardboard, and are now working on reducing the waste created by obsoletes.